Packaged Items

  • Habash crunchy peanuts gets all the flavors of peanut and on the top of the crunchy shell enclosing the peanut.
  • Kri Kri Sesame is the crunchy peanuts with the crunchy coating of sesame. It gets all the flavors of peanut and sesame on the top of the crunchy shell enclosing the peanut.
  • Roasted Australian peanuts with a warm crunchy coating
  • These pistachios have a great reputation for world class taste. The taste advantage comes from the higher unsaturated fat content that allows the nuts to be roasted for a longer amount of time.
  • Our Pistachios are roasted and salted to perfection enhancing their nutty flavor.
  • Raw Pistachios are good for snacking, cooking and baking.
  • Unsalted roasted white chickpeas fiber-rich snack. These whole white chickpeas are first humidified to make them soft and are then oven-roasted to perfection. The white natural skins of the chickpeas help makes these crunchier when roasted.
  • candy coated chickpeas
  • These meaty, strongly flavored beans have been around for ages, and they work well in sides dishes, soups, or salads. 
  • Widely used in Middle Eastern and North African cooking, these dried split broad or fava beans are most famously used as the main ingredient in Falafel
  • 100% Colombian Green Coffee
  • Caraway seeds are frequently used in baking. The seeds found in most types of rye bread are caraway seeds. Caraway seed is also used in flavoring curries and meats. Caraway is also added to flavor harissa and many popular Mediterranean dishes
    6 x 7oz
  • Cardamom has a strong, unique spicy-sweet taste, which is slightly aromatic.
    6 x 7oz
  • A mix of herbs and spices adds a unique zing to any chicken dish
    6 x 7oz
  • Cookie Spice is a sweet, exotic spice mix, that is kindred to the traditional English baking spice blend. This is an all-purpose baking blend that can be used to replace all of the spices needed in most recipes
    6 x 6oz
  • Fenugreek seeds are mainly found in Middle Eastern cooking and are a popular ingredient in various cuisines. Fenugreek has a sweet, nutty flavor with a maple aroma. It is primarily used in Turkish, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cuisine, where it turns up in dishes from soup to bread.
    6 x 8oz
  • The perfect seasoning for your favorite fish dishes.
    6 x 7oz
  • This is the national dish of Lebanon and can take on many forms and shapes. Kubbeh is composed primarily of cracked wheat, minced onions, and finely ground lean beef, lamb, or goat. Our exclusive spice blend is sure to help make your kubbeh dish a classic.
    6 x 6oz
  • Mahlab is an aromatic spice that has been used for centuries in the Middle East and the surrounding areas as a enhanced flavor of baked goods.
    12 x 2oz
  • Mahlab is an aromatic spice that has been used for centuries in the Middle East and the surrounding areas as a enhanced flavor of baked goods.
    12 x 2oz
  • Our chickpeas are a satisfying snack rich in fiber and protein. Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a tasty legume with a mild nut-like taste.
  • Premium 9mm chickpeas
  • Whole dried lemons are used in Middle Eastern and Persian cooking, they are harvested when ripe, boiled in salt water and then left to dry in the sun and can be kept for years in your cabinet
  • Raisins are dried grapes that are sweet due to their high concentration of sugars. We only use grade A raisins from California
    25 x 12oz
  • A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, Bulgur, also known as ala, is a wonderful and versatile ingredient for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Made from whole grain hard red wheat that has been parboiled, dried and cracked; bulgur is a nutritious food the whole family can enjoy.
  • A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, Bulgur, also known as ala, is a wonderful and versatile ingredient for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Made from whole grain hard red wheat that has been parboiled, dried and cracked; bulgur is a nutritious food the whole family can enjoy.
  • A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, Bulgur, also known as ala, is a wonderful and versatile ingredient for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Made from whole grain hard red wheat that has been parboiled, dried and cracked; bulgur is a nutritious food the whole family can enjoy.
  • This delicious dried coconut, in a sweetened shredded form, is ideal for baking.
  • Cardamom has a strong, unique spicy-sweet taste, which is slightly aromatic. 4oz
  • Lupini are naturally, extremely bitter, and must be soaked overnight, cooked the next day, then rinsed several times a day for the next 5 or 6 days. Part of the bean family, Lupini Beans are used a good deal in salads. Often they are cooked, chilled then salted as a snack. Lupini Beans are used as a snack in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Lebanon, Spain and Portugal.
  • Slivered almonds are a customer favorite for baking and snacking. These crunchy California almonds are shaved into slivered sections. High in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and heart-protective fats, slivered almonds can add a boost of health benefits to your diet
  • Blanched & Diced California Almond Kernels
  • Premium Turkish split lentils
  • This citrusy, berry-like tart flower is commonly found in Middle Eastern cuisine. Sumac's bright acidity complements a wide variety of flavors.
  • Zaatar is a mix of herbs along with a bit of salt and sesame seed. The mix can get tossed into olive oil and brushed on flat bread; you can also dip warm bread into olive oil and then into zaatar. The possibilities are endless for this great spice mix.
  • Whole dried lemons are used in Middle Eastern and Persian cooking, they are harvested when ripe, boiled in salt water and then left to dry in the sun and can be kept for years in your cabinet
  • Lentils are easy to prepare and cook more quickly than many other legumes. Different varieties have different textures and are generally used in different types of recipes. Brown and green lentils hold their shape well and are great for casseroles, salad, or to ladle over grains or potatoes.
  • These California grown almonds are a wholesome and delicious nut. Almonds are high in protein, calcium and zinc, and also contain significant amounts of fiber, vitamin E, Folate, calcium and other vitamins and minerals.
  • Fenugreek seeds are mainly found in Middle Eastern cooking and are a popular ingredient in various cuisines. Fenugreek has a sweet, nutty flavor with a maple aroma. It is primarily used in Turkish, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cuisine, where it turns up in dishes from soup to bread.
  • Lady Nails roasted pumpkin seeds are a popular snack and have an appealing look and taste. These are premium pumpkin seeds and is one of our specialties
  • White pepper is the husked ripe berries of the pepper plant. White pepper tastes hotter than black but is less complex, with fewer flavor notes.
  • Our Shawarma Spice is hand blended for peak flavor, aroma and freshness. Use in your favorite Shawarma recipe for the best taste
  • Habash Trading proprietary spice blend perfect for seasoning your favorite steak recipes.
    Habash Trading proprietary spice blend perfect for seasoning your favorite steak recipes.
  • Turmeric is one of the most highly-prized spices in the world. It's often used for it's peppery flavor and unique kick it lends to foods. Turmeric also has many unique health benefits.
  • The main spice blend used in seasoning a famous Arabian dish of meat with rice. Kabseh is excellent in stir-fries, marinades and as a meat rub.
  • Kedreh is the main spice used in a classic Arabian dish. This unique spice blend creates a classic taste combined with the fact that the water used to cook the chickpeas is also used for the meat; which is then again used to cook the rice giving the final dish layers of flavor.
  • HABASH mixed spices blend is our most popular spice. Famous throughout North America, our proprietarily spice blend is ground fresh daily. Our delicious recipe goes back eight generations to ensure your entrees are truly authentic. Mixed spices is often used in a plethora of dishes, including fish, chicken, meats and vegetarian dishes. If you have only one spice in your kitchen, this should be the one.
  • Famous for it's numerous health benefits, Nutmeg has ample uses in the kitchen. Nutmeg is often used as a spice for savoury dishes and is very popular in coffee
  • Famous for it's numerous health benefits, Nutmeg has ample uses in the kitchen. Nutmeg is often used as a spice for savoury dishes and is very popular in coffee
  • Habash oregano is always dried, as it is more flavourful when dried than fresh. It has an aromatic, warm, and slightly bitter taste, which can vary in intensity. It is most frequently used with roasted, fried, or grilled vegetables, meat, and fish. Oregano combines well with spicy foods and is commonly known as the pizza spice.
  • Osfer has an aroma reminiscent of metallic honey with hay-like notes, while its taste is on the sweeter side. Osfer comes from the safflower plant and serves as a common alternative to saffron. It does not have the same flavor as saffron, but it will color foods in a similar way.
  • A red powder made from grinding dried sweet red peppers; used as a garnish and seasoning. We use only the finest Hungarian paprika. Paprika releases its color and flavor when heated, so it is best suited in cooked dishes
  • HABASH mild curry powder is great to use on soups, sauces, rice, and anything else you can think of!
  • One of the world's most popular spices, black pepper can be added to almost any type of recipe imaginable. Black pepper comes from the pepper plant, a smooth woody vine that can grow up to 33 feet in hot and humid tropical climates. Our black pepper is ground fresh daily
  • The perfect blend of spices to create only the best falafel
  • One of the world's most popular spices, black pepper can be added to almost any type of recipe imaginable. Black pepper comes from the pepper plant, a smooth woody vine that can grow up to 33 feet in hot and humid tropical climates.


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