
Here's a list of all our products

  • Shahia stuffed vine leaves make for a great vegetarian appetizer. These tender vine leaves are wrapped into little rolls and stuffed with rice and fresh herbs. A taste the whole family will love! 24x397g
  • In Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria, Kishk is a powdery cereal of burghul (cracked wheat) fermented with milk and leban (yogurt).
  • This is the extra rich premium cream that makes your every dessert creation delightfully perfect. With this product, you are assured that everything is done right and the results are consistently-perfect for the finest creamy specialties.
  • One of the purest all natural honeys you will ever taste. It can even be consumed by diabetics! This product acts as an antioxidant, cleans the organs, eliminates toxins, and protects against cancer.
  • Pure honey with honey comb. A single cell of honeycomb is filled with the concentrated nectar of thousands of flowers, the healthiest and rawest form of honey available. A delicacy of nature straight from the source. Honeycomb is 100% edible.
  • A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, Bulgur, also known as ala, is a wonderful and versatile ingredient for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Made from whole grain hard red wheat that has been parboiled, dried and cracked; bulgur is a nutritious food the whole family can enjoy.
  • A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, Bulgur, also known as ala, is a wonderful and versatile ingredient for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Made from whole grain hard red wheat that has been parboiled, dried and cracked; bulgur is a nutritious food the whole family can enjoy.
  • A staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean regions, Bulgur, also known as ala, is a wonderful and versatile ingredient for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Made from whole grain hard red wheat that has been parboiled, dried and cracked; bulgur is a nutritious food the whole family can enjoy.
  • Lady Nails roasted pumpkin seeds are a popular snack and have an appealing look and taste. These are premium pumpkin seeds and is one of our specialties
  • Fenugreek seeds are mainly found in Middle Eastern cooking and are a popular ingredient in various cuisines. Fenugreek has a sweet, nutty flavor with a maple aroma. It is primarily used in Turkish, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern cuisine, where it turns up in dishes from soup to bread.
  • These California grown almonds are a wholesome and delicious nut. Almonds are high in protein, calcium and zinc, and also contain significant amounts of fiber, vitamin E, Folate, calcium and other vitamins and minerals.
  • Lentils are easy to prepare and cook more quickly than many other legumes. Different varieties have different textures and are generally used in different types of recipes. Brown and green lentils hold their shape well and are great for casseroles, salad, or to ladle over grains or potatoes.
  • Whole dried lemons are used in Middle Eastern and Persian cooking, they are harvested when ripe, boiled in salt water and then left to dry in the sun and can be kept for years in your cabinet
  • Zaatar is a mix of herbs along with a bit of salt and sesame seed. The mix can get tossed into olive oil and brushed on flat bread; you can also dip warm bread into olive oil and then into zaatar. The possibilities are endless for this great spice mix.
  • Guaranteed Fresh, California Natural Walnuts Halves & Pieces. Natural Source of Energy, Perfect Snack for all ages
  • Guaranteed Fresh, California Natural Walnuts Halves & Pieces. Natural Source of Energy, Perfect Snack for all ages
  • This citrusy, berry-like tart flower is commonly found in Middle Eastern cuisine. Sumac's bright acidity complements a wide variety of flavors.
  • This citrusy, berry-like tart flower is commonly found in Middle Eastern cuisine. Sumac's bright acidity complements a wide variety of flavors.
    Sold in 50lb bags


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